Broadacre Agriculture

Broadacre farmers and agronomists are constantly striving to increase crop yields to meet the growing global demand resulting from rapid population increase. To achieve this, farmers are turning to drone technology for real-time and precise data collection, enabling them to observe trends and monitor potential issues throughout the year. By gaining early insights into potential problems, they can take timely actions to maximize efficiency.

A Y-flight UAV, combined with a precise sensor, offers extended flight time, allowing farmers to gather a variety of accurate data. This data provides clear visuals of various variables within their land, including soil moisture content, irrigation flow, pests and diseases, and expected yield size. The information can be used for immediate action or for planning the next year's season, serving as a year-on-year comparison to continually improve farming practices over time.

Broadacre Agriculture specific applications that a Y-flight can support are:

  • Crop Viability, Categorization, Mapping
  • Monitor Soil Fertility and Detect Nutrient Deficiencies
  • Pest Identification, Disease & Weed Monitoring
  • Livestock Tracking and Monitoring
  • Irrigation Flow and Leak Identification
  • Evaluate Soil Health
  • Enhance Safety
  • Forest Cover Classification and Monitoring

Livestock Agriculture

Livestock farmers face an ongoing challenge of monitoring and surveying expansive areas with challenging terrain to keep track of livestock and water sources. Traditionally, this monitoring has been carried out using manned flights or all-terrain vehicles, incurring significant labor and fuel costs, as well as wear and tear on vehicles. Aerial monitoring using Y-flight UAVs significantly reduces the costs and time associated with monitoring and inspecting livestock, water bores, and fence lines. Y-flight UAVs are also fully autonomous, providing farmers with more time to focus on more critical tasks at hand.

Livestock Agriculture applications that a Y-flight can support are:

  • Livestock Monitoring
  • Water Bore Monitoring
  • Solar Bore Inspection
  • Fence Line Inspection
  • Pest Control & Monitoring
  • Monitoring Trespassers and Security

Wildlife & Conservation

Wildlife and conservation efforts significantly benefit from drone technology, especially given the increasing demand to study climate change, address global pollution, and understand the effects of human land use on the environment. The need for remote sensors is at an all-time high, particularly in isolated locations and vast open areas where research is conducted.

Highly capable drones equipped with precision sensors provide a cost-effective solution for researchers. Substituting drones for loud manned aircraft enables researchers to get closer to their subjects, obtain more accurate data, and increase availability while reducing costs and downtime. This technology plays a crucial role in advancing wildlife and conservation research in a more efficient and environmentally friendly manner.

Wildlife & Conservation applications that a Y-flight can support are:

  • Remote Monitoring of Predator and Prey Interactions
  • Observing Animals and Changing Landscapes
  • Studying the Effects of Global Warming on Changing Landscapes
  • Pollution Management
  • Mapping Canopies and Forest Management
  • Coastline Management
  • Monitoring Glacier Changes
  • Study of Forest Ecology
  • Oceanography
  • Dune Monitoring


Forestry and logging companies worldwide oversee over 900 million hectares of natural forests used for wood production. Managing such vast expanses of land can be time-consuming and exceedingly expensive. Conventional data gathering processes often involve manual methods or rely on observations with the naked eye, leading to reduced accuracy and usability of the collected data for forestry companies.

A Y-flight UAV presents an ideal platform for capturing and delivering precise and accurate data. This data can be instrumental in planning, predicting, monitoring, and assessing plant health, offering forestry companies a more efficient and cost-effective solution for managing their expansive land holdings.

Forestry applications that a Y-flight can support are:

  • Mapping Forests and Biodiversity
  • Mapping Harvest Units and Conducting Post-Harvest Waste Assessments
  • Precision Forestry and Sustainable Forest Planning Management
  • Mapping Canopy Gaps
  • Measuring Forest Canopy Height and Attributes
  • Measuring Volumes Quickly While Providing Accurate Tree Counts
  • Tree Survival Counts
  • Regeneration Species Analysis
  • Weed Mapping
  • Tree Height Derivation
  • Plantation Health
  • Post-Fire Analysis
  • Viewing 3D Images of Forests